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Nel caso in cui la Proprietà decidesse di nominare una nuova figura con il compito di intermediario tra la Proprietà stessa ed il Responsabile dell’Area Sport (Giuntoli), chi vorreste tra questi profili? (di Alfanton)
Del Piero
Carlo Nesti
Romeo Agresti

Mostra i risultati
Tutti i sondaggi Juve Proponi sondaggio
Cerca un giocatore
Classifica campionato di Serie A
Squadra Pti Squadra Pti
Inter 64 Torino 38
Napoli 61 Genoa 35
Atalanta 58 Verona 29
Bologna 53 Como 29
JUVENTUS 52 Cagliari 26
Lazio 51 Lecce 25
Roma 49 Parma 25
Fiorentina 48 Empoli 22
Milan 47 Venezia 20
Udinese 40 Monza 15
Classifica completa, risultati, calendario
Le prossime gare in calendario
Data/Ora Cmp Partita
29.03 18:00 A Juventus-Genoa
06.04 20:45 A Roma-Juventus
12.04 20:45 A Juventus-Lecce
21.04 20:45 A Parma-Juventus
27.04 15:00 A Juventus-Monza
04.05 15:00 A Bologna-Juventus
11.05 15:00 A Lazio-Juventus
18.05 15:00 A Juventus-Udinese
25.05 15:00 A Venezia-Juventus
19.06 03:00 Mon Al-Ain-Juventus
Calendario completo
Tutte le partite ufficiali della stagione
G. Pti Vit Par Sco Fat Sub  
22 41 11 8 3 36 20 C
19 30 7 9 3 26 20 F
1 0 0 0 1 1 2 N
42 71 18 17 7 63 42 T
Ultime 10 gare ufficiali
Data Cmp Partita Ris
02.02 A Juventus-Empoli 4-1
07.02 A Como-Juventus 1-2
11.02 CL Juventus-PSV Eindhoven 2-1
16.02 A Juventus-Inter 1-0
19.02 CL PSV Eindhoven-Juventus 3-1
23.02 A Cagliari-Juventus 0-1
26.02 Ita Juventus-Empoli 1-1
03.03 A Juventus-Verona 2-0
09.03 A Juventus-Atalanta 0-4
16.03 A Fiorentina-Juventus 3-0
Punti 19 - Vinte 6 - Pari 1 - Perse 3
Gol fatti 14 - Gol subiti 14 - Vedi tabellini
Tutte le partite ufficiali della stagione
M Giocatore Pre Min Pan Gol
10 Yildiz 41 2742 10 6
4 Gatti F. 39 3176 7 1
5 Locatelli M. 39 2937 7 -
19 Thuram K. 39 2386 14 4
8 Koopmeiners 37 2699 6 3
27 Cambiaso 35 2487 9 2
16 McKennie 35 2469 10 5
29 Di Gregorio 1 34 3059 7 -34
9 Vlahovic 34 2263 11 14
22 Weah 33 1956 14 6
15 Kalulu 32 2588 5 1
37 Savona 31 2018 14 2
7 Conceiçao 1 30 1741 14 5
51 Mbangula 30 1075 31 4
11 Nico Gonzalez 26 1557 7 3
26 Douglas Luiz 22 794 19 -
21 Fagioli 22 773 26 -
6 Danilo 1 16 809 15 -
20 Kolo Muani 11 884 1 5
1 Perin 9 750 34 -8
32 Cabal 9 618 8 -
6 Kelly 8 653 2 -
3 Bremer 8 636 - -
12 Renato Veiga 6 431 1 -
40 Rouhi 6 208 35 -
17 Adzic 5 55 25 -
2 Alberto Costa 4 102 10 -
44 Pugno 1 6 2 -
36 Anghelè 1 5 1 -
23 Pinsoglio 0 - 42 -
41 Gil Puche 0 - 3 -
43 Owusu 0 - 2 -
46 Pagnucco 0 - 2 -
38 Daffara 0 - 1 -
42 Montero A. 0 - 1 -
45 Papadopoulos 0 - 1 -
48 Pietrelli 0 - 1 -
47 Rizzo 0 - 1 -
18 Arthur 0 - - -
39 Barbieri 0 - - -
46 Comenencia 0 - - -
44 Gonzalez 0 - - -
48 Hasa 0 - - -
14 Milik 0 - - -
20 Miretti 0 - - -
43 Muharemovic 0 - - -
41 Nicolussi 0 - - -
- Pogba 0 - - -
49 Sekulov 0 - - -
18 Soulé 0 - - -
33 Tiago Djalò 0 - - -
Contributo reparti in fase realizzativa
Difesa 6 - Centrocampo 22 - Attacco 33
Altre statistiche
Giocatori utilizzati 29 (almeno 1 pres.)
Giocatori in gol 14 (48,28%)
Rigori segnati 6 - Sbagliati 0 - Parati 1
Ammonizioni 67 (21 giocatori)
Espulsioni 3 (3 giocatori)
Tutte le statistiche
La Juventus dal 1900 ad oggi
Gare ufficiali   Serie A
4.605 Giocate 3.105
2.518 (54,68%) Vittorie 1.706 (54,94%)
1.182 (25,67%) Pareggi 843 (27,15%)
905 (19,65%) Sconfitte 556 (17,91%)
8.229 Fatti 5.402
4.489 Subiti 2.931
C. Europee   Era 3 pti (uff.)
518 Giocate 1.583
283 (54,63%) Vittorie 937 (59,19%)
115 (22,20%) Pareggi 379 (23,94%)
120 (23,17%) Sconfitte 267 (16,87%)
876 Fatti 2.772
478 Subiti 1.408
Tutti i numeri della Juventus
Top 10 - All Time (gare ufficiali)
Presenze Gol fatti
705 Del Piero 290 Del Piero
685 Buffon 179 Boniperti G.
561 Chiellini 178 Bettega R.
552 Scirea 171 Trezeguet
528 Furino 167 Sivori
502 Bonucci 158 Borel F.
482 Bettega R. 130 Anastasi
476 Zoff 124 Hansen J.
459 Boniperti G. 115 Baggio R.
450 Salvadore 115 Dybala
Classifiche complete
Top 10 - Rosa attuale (gare ufficiali)
Presenze Gol fatti
171 Locatelli M. 55 Vlahovic
169 McKennie 18 McKennie
135 Vlahovic 17 Milik
102 Gatti F. 10 Yildiz
91 Bremer 8 Bremer
75 Milik 7 Gatti F.
74 Cambiaso 7 Weah
73 Yildiz 5 Cambiaso
68 Weah 5 Conceiçao
56 Perin 5 Kolo Muani
Classifiche complete
Heysel, 29.05.1985: Versione italiana Juve English version Juve Deutsche version
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HEYSEL, 29.05.1985
English version

Translated by: Mauro (Juventus Club Londra)
Website: www.juventus.co.uk
E-mail: JuveClubLondra@aol.com

It's almost midday when we arrive in Brussels. The journey seemed never ending especially for me as I cannot sleep on the coach. During the journey every now and then we would pass other coaches full of Juventini with whom we exchanged noisy cheers but as we get closer to the city the number of Juventus coaches increases dramatically. We seem to be in our thousands and hope that this will bode well for the match result.

The parking area that has been reserved for us is enormous and full of fans and I try to find a face that I can recognise but to no avail. Only Gino, Fabio and myself have got here by road; the other fans from my town have come by plane, fortunate for those that can afford to. We try to find signposts for the stadium, either there are none or we just can't find them so we follow the sea of Bianconeri , someone up in front must know where we're going! Just a brief stop to take a photo in front of the Atonium which I have seen countless times in geography books but to see it in real life is quite amazing.

Finally, we arrive at the stadium. It doesn't look a great deal but perhaps it's better inside. On the grass verges outside there are countless small groups of fans, some eating, some sleeping and some reading La Gazzetta. As we get closer we hear the comments of thousands of would be managers each one with his line up and tactics for the match. We just hope not to repeat the folly of Athens.

I am apprehensive as usual and try to find the entry point for our sector so that I know where to go when the gates are opened. Gino and Fabio take the mickey but join in the hunt. We get close to the stadium perimeter and begin to follow it. We find barriers where the central section should be. We can't get through and so walk further out until we get to one of the goal ends. Is it ours? We hadn't realised that the grass verges had gradually changed colours from green with black and white to green with red. We are at the Liverpool end. Hoping that the black and white shirts of Fabio and myself and that the blue away jersey with the Ariston band and stars worn by Gino will pass as T shirts we continue our search, but I cannot help but look out of the corner of my eye at the faces of the English fans, fearing threatening glances or hoping for a smile.

A young guy leaves one of the numerous groups and comes towards me. I give a nervous smile and he points at my jersey and begins to talk to me. My gosh how different his English to that of my teacher! I can make out about half of the words but understand that he wants to swap jersey. Why not? Perhaps I had been expecting something like this and so apart from the official shirt I was wearing, I had brought along a replica shirt, bought from a stall in front of the Stadio Comunale just before a match with Bordeux. We make the exchange. What a wonderful shirt with a red that exudes passion. Who knows when Juve will decide to adopt a shirt with a similar shiny material?
We shake hands and I say 'Good Luck' which I don't really mean, not for tonight's match anyway.

We continue with our search and almost get to the end of the section just before the VIP area when we see some movement. We don't understand, or perhaps we do but just don't believe it. There are some fans on top of a wall, which seems lower than the other parts of the perimeter wall, on which the barbed wire is broken. Other fans are passing containers, they seem cases of beer. Perhaps they're taking in banners, but something tells us that our first impression is correct. These seem less friendly to those we have just met and so we decide not to indulge and hurry to get away.

Past the VIP area and the colours begin to change again towards black and white and we see a sign JUVENTUS. We are not quite sure if this is the entry point for our sector but we look at the plan on the back of the match tickets and decide that it is. I ask everyone if this is sector 'N' which encourages my two friends to take the mickey again. We have arrived in the right place, even if a little early, but years of watching matches at the Comunale teaches us that if you're not in front of the gates when they open you end up with the worst places.

The evening is almost upon us, it's hot ( why is it that when you buy the official shirt they always give you the winter one with long sleeves ?) the number of fans continues to increase, more and more tightly packed. We had decided for some time to stay standing and, in addition, a policeman on a horse decides to join our group as well. Just my luck.. I'm face to face with our four legged friend. I hope he's well trained! I smile at the policeman hoping to show him that we're not hooligans but he doesn't react. Ah well, I think, just as long as you keep Trigger under control!

The excitement increases and I think we're almost there. The gates open and all of a sudden the choruses begin 'Juve, Juve' even before going through. We're inside and we find a decent position near the VIP's and we begin to examine the theatre for our spectacle. The pitch is wonderful and seems even more green than usual. The rest however is not a great deal. The stadium doesn't seem very big, certainly it's very old and not well maintained, indeed some of the steps are crumbling. I almost think that the Comunale, which I have often criticised, to be in better condition. I continue with my little game of sizing up our 'troops', as if the number of supporters would make any difference. I look at the opposite area behind the goal of our 'enemies' but it's not all red; in fact in some of the areas by the side, towards the side terraces I can see some Juventini. Who knows? Perhaps we are in so many that they have reserved that side of the ground as well. In the meantime the stadium continues to fill. To pass the time we read the newspaper that the guy next to us unfolds with great difficulty. Every now and again somebody starts off a chant and so we all lift up our scarves and flags and we sing to give us encouragement and hoping to give the players some as well. Some guy behind me unfurls a banner reading 'Mother I'm Here' I'd never seen that one before!

The excitement continues to increase. I now find it impossible to calm down. If it continues at this pace I'll have no nails left by the start of the match. A roar. Some people with Juve tops are on the field. I can't make out their faces. It could be the physio or it could even be Platini. How long to go? It's almost seven. There's still a lot left to go but the minutes seem to become longer during the wait. I calm myself, but it doesn't last long.

Something stirs in our area, perhaps the players are coming onto the field to inspect the pitch. No, something is happening in the stand behind the other goal. I try to understand. From the two areas reserved for the Liverpool fans there are missiles being thrown towards the Juve sector, they seem bottles, or perhaps stones. I can't make it our properly. The Juventus area begins to whistle and so do we. Was it really necessary to cause trouble tonight? Between the two tightly packed sets of supporters a space opens. Then, as if under a single command the Liverpool fans begin to move towards the direction of the Juventus fans. 'There must be some fencing' I think to myself, 'I'm sure the police are on their way, I hope. 'They'll stop' I hope they'll stop. Just like a loaded spring the English retreat and then go forward and do not stop. The mass of Juventus fans move towards the side stands, perhaps they're leaving. From here I can see that many are on the pitch. Perhaps the stewards have opened the gates to avoid problems and are making them go onto the pitch. The sector is now almost empty and the Liverpool fans have now stopped and slowly go back to their areas singing. We try to understand but from here it's difficult.

The PA system in the stadium stays silent. Let's hope they don't postpone the match. It would be a shame to have come all the way here for nothing. The minutes tick away and the Juventus area remains empty and all the crowd appears to be on the pitch. I think I hear sirens. Police reinforcements are arriving or perhaps it's some ambulances. Perhaps someone has got hurt!.

Time is now flying past. Why don't they say anything? The loudspeaker begins to crackle into action but the announcements are many and incomplete. We can make out that the captains of the teams will be reading a statement. We hear a timid voice, it's Scirea. " The match will be played. To allow the police to evacuate the pitch please stay calm. Do not react to provocation. We are playing for you". Then another announcement in English. This is Neal, the Liverpool captain. We can't understand. Will the match still stand?

In the meantime the pitch is still full of people to which groups of police or army have now been added and who surround the perimeter of the pitch. The confusion increases further when some Juventus players come onto the pitch and close to our end of the ground. I seem to recognise Cabrini but I'm not sure. It's late. The kick off time has passed. Scirea had said " we're playing for you". I hope they haven't changed their minds. Inexplicably the pitch empties of all people who had been on it before. Perhaps the Juve fans who had gone onto the pitch have been moved to other areas of the stadium. We realise that many fans to our right have gone away. Perhaps they've been frightened by the goings on. We see a large empty space over the other side of the wire fence separating our sectors. Lots of fans from our area move over and so do we so that we can get a better view. There is no one there to stop us.

It's now after nine when the match starts. The minutes, which had dragged earlier on, now fly past. The teams play quite well and everything seems normal. I hope that everything is normal. Our team puts some good moves together but so do they. They're strong, we knew that. Tacconi is beaten on more than one occasion. The first half finishes 0-0. We all give our opinions, each one has his own recipe for success, but no one seems too convinced. A shadow seems to be hanging over us.

The teams come back onto the pitch. No changes in the Juve side. Ten minutes flash past. Boniek starts a run. The excitement increases and becomes unbearable when he is brought down by a Liverpool defender in the penalty area. Penalty !! Has the referee given it? He has!! Platini takes it towards by the goal where the trouble had been. Unlike normal, I watch him take it. GOAL! We are ahead. How long left? Liverpool has no intention of losing and forces us back to our own half. My heart is in overdrive. Tacconi saves everything. It's almost finished. A substitution for Juve, Briaschi out and Prandelli in, to cover our lead. The Trap has waited longer than usual to do this. We're almost there. Another substitution. Vignola comes on for Rossi. It's over. We've won!!

We hug one another. Gino is crying but doesn't want to be seen. The area where we were before is now a sea of black and white. We wait for the presentation, we want to see the most desirable trophy. The minutes tick away but still nothing. Have they lost it? More minutes but there is no one to be seen. What's happening? Have they changed the ritual? No, here come the players, but they're not all there. There's Platini who runs towards the goal. Photo. Then Tardelli and Boniek right in front of us. Another photo. Who's this one with the moustache? Favero. Another photo. I don't see any other juventini. Where is the Cup?

There is no one left on the pitch except the police and stewards and the stadium begins to empty. Nothing else is going to happen tonight so we decide to leave as well. We return to our coach. Careful of the red shirts, after what's happened you never know!

We begin our journey back. We stop by a service station just outside Brussels. It's closed. Why? At home they're always open, or almost. We carry on. We're hungry. Another service station, but as soon as they see the coach someone decides to close it. We stay hungry and do the best we can for our bodily functions. We travel all night and arrive at the Swiss border just as dawn breaks. Finally, a service station that's open. We stop and everyone makes a bee line for the snack bar. They look at us in a strange way. A waitress is crying. What's happening? I look for a news stand. I want to buy a copy of La Gazzetta as a souvenir. I can't find any. Only newspapers in German. I buy one even if I only have schoolboy knowledge of German but I recognise the word that covers the front page next to a number that is too high to be true 'Toten'. The images that I see carve a deep sadness in my mind and heart that will last with me forever.

We arrive home early afternoon. An acquaintance offers me a lift from the bus station to my home. He tells me that the town had given me up for lost. I was at the top of the list of fans that had left from my town. Those that had gone by plane had arrived back first and had told of hearing my name called more than once over the stadium loudspeaker. It seems incredible, I had heard nothing. He tells me that my girlfriend had telephoned the Foreign Office but that they hadn't been able to tell her anything. I get home. My mother hugs me and cries. My father says nothing. He looks at me and leaves for work. Years later he was to tell me that he had never experienced such fear, even in the war.

I have never wanted to see the recording of that evening.


Copyright Chub

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